The ocasion was to attend a presentation by Jette Vandermeiden about Tips and Tricks for those who work in floor looms. It was really amazing how eventhough I though that by working with looms for quite a good amount of years, and yet so much to learn and improve!
Her presentation went so fast we could have stayed there for a couple of hours more. She is so nice to listen to. He presentation was clear and easy to follow, but I guess her experience will overflow any time she has. I would love to go to her studio close to Barrie and learn more things.
Friedl Ballaban, one of our Guild Members added
" I know Jette Vandermeiden well - - she has a stunning studio near Mount St. Lois/Moonstone. You'll find out more about her here:
She also writes a regular column in Fibre Focus ("Loom Bench") and has a very easy approach to very complex weaving issues (at least they seem complex to me!).
Margaret showed us around the Cottage and one of the projects they are already working on is a rag-rug carpet. Here we stand in front of the HUGE loom ready to weave on. The theme will be Teddy Bears, and all the ragged fabrics will be printed cottons with teddy bears!.
Cant wait to see how it turns into a lovely carpet.
Thank you Margaret and your always friendly Guild for the invitation on behalf of our Guild.
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