February is the date to have our first Guest at the New facility at QEP CCC

2012 has been a very important year for our Guild. Not only because we finally found a home, but also to bring back memories of all our years that have gone by. Our important and special library was finally unpacked to release the most wonderful collection of books, samples of weaving, technical information, etc.
We are now in the process of organizing, labeling, inventorying and putting our tools to work. Yes, Tools such as our magnificent 100 inch loom that has been like the sleeping beauty waiting patiently to be set u again. Like in the good times!

Here we see Elizabeth-Anne working hard to clean and give maintenance to oone of our spinning wheels.
Or maybe we see

Judith and Mary cataloging our fascinating one of a kind-out of print BOOKS!

All our Guild members will soon take advantage of the place. This dedicated Fibre Room at Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre promises to be a fantastic all-in-one facility. it is up to us to make this space our creative HUB!
Now lets get to weave, spin, dye, and more.
We invite all to join us at the formal opening on March 24 2012,
room 040 at QEP CCC in Bridge Road, Oakville, ON.
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